Plaster can be used in a variety of aspects, from ornate
details as in the photographs to simple column casings and
light troughs to provide precision continuity.
GRG features also provide easy installation in otherwise
awkward situations.
fully trained fibre-hands are able to adapt and manipulate
casts to suit any application and still provide an almost
seamless machined finish.
rebate details can often only be achieved via moulds especially
in multi directional shadow gap instances.
can also be extremely versatile when discreet access panels
are required in special features. Domed ceilings and elliptical
curves are made simple once key mathematical points are
plotted on the computer in our design studio. These points
are then transferred to the manufacture of rubber moulds
in our fibre workshop. As the rubber moulds become redundant
they are melted down and re-used as part of our recycling
policy. Specialist mock ups are available upon request.